Performance Optimization Course

3h course for advanced

Description of Performance Optimization course

Learn the best practices for optimizing your code and improving the speed and responsiveness of your front-end applications. You'll get experience with the latest technologies and tools to improve your website's performance, including modification, caching, compression, and more. With this course, you'll be able to quickly identify and diagnose performance issues and create solutions to make your website faster and more user-friendly. Enroll today to get the skills and knowledge you need to maximize the speed and performance of your code!

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Performance Optimization course details

How long will the Performance Optimization course take?

This course is planned for 3h of work.

What is difficulty level of this course?

Performance Optimization course difficulty level is advanced. We scale courses on a three-level scale. Beginner fits even total beginners. Mid is for people with some knowledge, and advanced level is for people who know the topic and have some coding skills.

What you will learn in Performance Optimization course

Every Duomly’s course is designed
to give you the most important parts of the topic.



Image optimization

Lazy Loading of Images

Check the size

Don't use 3rd-party libs for small tasks


Host on S3

Delete unused code

Import only what you need

Cut your class names

Minify code

Avoid too many renders

Use React.Fragment

Don’t load the whole font with icons

Performance monitors

How you will learn during Performance Optimization course

With Duomly you can learn from
various types of courses.

This course is the theory one, what it means
you will learn from interactive lessons:

  • step by step explanation
  • deep knowledge
  • interactive text
  • certificate of completion

Start learning with Performance Optimization course now

Start learning with Duomly now and get the best skills
for your future career.